If The World Could Celebrate The Son Of A Palm Wine Tapper Like This, Children Of The Poor All Over The World, Assure Yourself Today, You Too Can Be Celebrated By Tope Temokun

It is a long story…

But to cut a long story short…if the world could celebrate the son of a palm wine tapper like this, children of the poor all over the world, assure yourself today, you too can be celebrated.

I am the first son of a palm-wine tapper to become a lawyer. This is my story!

At early stage, twists and bends of fate almost apprenticed me away to a popular roadside motorcycle mechanic in hometown, popularly called Shockwire, who did a lot of havoc and injustice to my father’s Suzuki 100 then in the name of servicing, before the motorcycle parked up in his hands. He told my father I should resume by January that year after the Christmas. But my mother cried that she wanted me to return to school. In this way, my journey of destiny began. Fate took me away from hometown. My full story is coming out in my autobiographical novel:


But I am a lawyer today!

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And few years after I was called to Bar, Shockwire ran into problem in hometown and was sent to remamd. A call came from home, that they needed me to come and rescue Shockwire from prison. Destiny, you are just too funny, but stubborn!

Many odds, many bends: poverty was their headteacher, environment was its assistant, career decision and confusion, I was a science student and at the first sitting I made all my science subjects, in short I was presumed to be brilliant by our village standard, I was the senior prefect of my set, but my confusion started from the day I became the senior prefect and was always fighting battle. I loved fighting injustice and so I loved law as a career. But I was not in the Art class. But many many angels came in human form, one of such, Dr.Olusola Adeyelu, who told me pointblank that year, that “boy, you are meant to be a lawyer….dont waste your time with sciences”. The rest today is history.

I have resolved to dedicate the rest of my life to inspire children of the poor….poor home was my original constituency and I will always stretch my hands down from this ladder to lift as many lowly as my grace can carry from that constituency.

I have convinced myself long ago on this.

I renewed this resolve again today.

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